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It depends on the cause of the power failure and the loss you suffer. For instance, if a storm causes the power failure, and it stays out for 3 days whereby your freezer defrosts causing a side of beef and food to ruin that you paid $1200 for, then yes you would have coverage. If the power goes out for 3 hours and the freezer did not defrost and you had no loss then there would be no need as no loss occurred.

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Q: Will homeowners insurance cover power failure?
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Does homeowners insurance cover housing during power outages?

No, Homeowners insurance does not provide compensation for utility outages.

Is food loss covered in power outage?

No, Homeowners insurance does not cover spoilage due to utility failures.

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Homeowners insurance will not cover care for patient, but hospice has contracts with agencies that will help in the situation described. Contact the hospice nurse for help.

Does Homeowners cover a hotel in the case of loss of power from a storm?

It depends on your specific policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover wiring from street?

The main power line coming from the street is owned and serviced by your local Utility Service. You should call your electric utility provider if it needs maintenance or service.

Does home owners policy cover a lost wallet?

You will need to read your policy to determine what your homeowners covers. Homeowners policies have a deductible and also demand proof of loss. During a hurricane, I lost electrical power. After the hurricane the insurance company offered to reimburse me for any food in my freezer except I had a deductible of $500. As I had food worth about $50, I did not use my homeowners. Read your homeowners. How much money did you have in your wallet. Where was your wallet when it was stolen? Was it in your house? Was there a robbery? What is your deductible?

Who has the most reliable home insurance policy?

"According to JD Power and Consumer Reports, Amica Mutual is ranked the highest for homeowners insurance. This was based on customer satisfaction surveys."

If a tree in your yard falls on a power line then the power line gets ripped out of your neighbors roof does your insurance cover it or does the neighbors insurance?

Generally the other persons insurance would cover this. However, it is best to check with your insurance company as they may be legally liable to pay it depending on the laws in your state.

What would cause a dead TV after lightning?

A power surge caused by lightning may have killed it. If you have homeowners or renters insurance, they may help replace it.

F your sump pump overflows due to a power outage does your insurance cover it?

Unfortunately, we are learning the hard way after Hurricane Irene that insurance does not cover for damages caused by sump pump failure due to a power outage. NOT happy about it, but we continue to work with the wet vac and fans, de-humidifiers. After some research, I have found that some insurance companies do offer a separate clause for this. Generators or battery back-ups for sump pumps seem to be the way to go. That will be our next investment after replacing what we will end up losing.

Does homeowner's insurance pay for a cracked water pipe?

It may if is a result of freezing due to power failure or storm. Not due to negligence or poor design.