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Q: Will homeowners insurance cover automatic garage door openers?
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Does homeowners insurance cover garage doors?

It would cover you under your Buildings insurance

Should homeowners insurance cover cars in garage fire?

No, unfortunately it does not. Your homeowners insurance covers damage to your home. Your auto insurance covers damage to your car.

Where does one buy an automatic garage door opener?

An automatic garage door opener can be found at most home improvement stores. These can include stores such as Lowe's, Home Depot and Walmart. The internet also has automatic garage door openers for sale on websites such as Amazon or even eBay.

Who Makes Sears Garage Door openers?

The Chamberlain Group is a manufacturer of garage door openers and associated Chamberlain - the company's do-it-yourself line of garage door openers

Does homeowners insurance cover car stereo equipment bein stored in a garage that is not in the vehicle that has been stolen?

Homeowners insurance does not cover automobiles nor there parts.

What products do Sommer USA manufacture?

SOMMER USA is a leading manafacturer of high quality automatic garage door openers and wireless control systems. It replaces and renews automatic garage systems in over 90 countries.

What are the top rated brands of automatic garage door openers according to Consumer Reports?

Genie Powerlift Excelerator Screw-Drive is very highly rated for a automatic garage door opener. Its very highly rated.

Will homeowners insurance cover a damaged car by the garage door?

No, You'll have to seek coverage for the Car under you Auto Insurance Policy. Now if the garage door was damaged then your Homeowners policy may fix it if it is below your deductible.

Does homeowners insurance cover a garage door that was hit be a friends vehicle and his vehicle?

Your homeowners insurance will cover your garage door subject to your deductible since it is part of your house. Your Home insurance does not cover damage to a vehicle though. That's what Auto insurance is for. Your friend will need to contact his auto insurance to fix his vehicle.

Does insurance cover a fallen tree on your garage?

Most homeowners policies will provide coverage