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In California it is normally necessary for you to currently have comprehensive and collision coverage in place at the time of the accident for your gap insurance to take effect.

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Q: Will gap insurance pay off the balance of your loan if your vehicle is totaled?
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If the insurance does not pay the amount due on the vehicle what happens to the loan?

i am assuming the following: your vehicle totaled, you do not have GAP insurance and the value of your vehicle was less than your payoff...unfortunately you will still owe this balance, most lien holders will do what they call a 'transfer of collateral'' meaning they will finance (assuming you are in good standing) if you want. your replacement vehicle and put this balance on top of that note....immediately making you really upside down AGAIN ...pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease get gap insurance on this one, talk to your lien holder about insurance pays the 'gap' between the value of the vehicle and the note balance..

What can happen if car loans are not paid when there is no vehicle do to a wreck?

Then they will repossess the wrecked vehicle, sell it for what they can get, apply that to the loan balance, and you will be responsible for the balance on the loan. They will sue you in court to get it and will win. Now if you continue to make the loan payments, then none of this will happen. Did you not have insurance on this vehicle?

If you are in a car accident and the car is totaled does your car loan get paid off through insurance?

Not unless you have the new option in insurance of the new car replacement. If your car is totaled, you will be paid the Blue Book price for your vehicle. This sum is the amount your vehicle is worth at this time. Any amount over this sum that is still owed to a car loan is still due.

If your car was totaled will the check come in your name if there is a lien on it and you released the car to the insurance company?

Loan company gets paid first if you owe more then the insurancwe pays you owe the balance, if insurance pays more then loan you get the differance.

If you co sign for an auto loan and the person you co signed for is in an accident can you as the co signer be liable for injuries or damages?

No, you can only be liable for the loan. If the car was totaled and did not have insurance then you can be held responsible for the balance on the loan. Any accident or damages that occurred would be the responsibility of the driver/owner of the vehicle. All your signature did was say that you will pay the loan if the borrower fails to do so.

Is it legal for the insurance company not to pay the loan company on a totaled car?

Yes. The insurance policy is a contract. All it requires the insurance company to do is to pay the fair market value of the vehicle. You would need to get what is called gap insurance to pay the difference between the market value and the loan value.

If you were involved in an accident and did not have full coverage but the bank had put forced insurance on the loan will that insurance cover the totaled car?

That insurance will probably cover the BANKS interest in the vehicle and any liability that may be assigned to it, but little or nothing for you.

Can you make your auto insurance pay you back for loan payments you made on a car they declared totaled?

Your insurance owes you the value of the vehicle minus your deductible. If you owed the bank more than this, you are responsible for the excess.

Does gap insurance cover if your behind on car payments?

Unfortunately, no. What gap coverage does is pay the balance on your car loan if your car is totaled and the insurance payment is not enough to pay off the balance of your loan. Quite often our vehicles depreciate faster than we can pay them off. Insurance only pays the depreciated (blue book) value, so sometimes what you will get from your insusrance company doesn't pay off the loan.

What happens if you Car title loan in default and car is totaled?

Typically you need a car with insurance to get a title loan. If your car is totaled, the loan company are entitled to that money since they hold the title for your car.

If two people have a car loan but only one person has insurance and the car is totaled in a single vehicle accident by the uninsured person will the insurance company still cover the car?

if you have gico then no but any other car insurance will yes

How much money can you get from a wreck?

If you have Physical Damage on the vehicle you can only get the Blue Book value for any completely totaled vehicle. This is also regardless of any loan that may be outstanding for the vehicle. GAP insurance would covere the difference.