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The insurance company will probably deny coverage if you allow an unlicensed person to drive your vehicle who you have not had added to your policy. This is called material misrepresentation on your part.

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Q: Will full coverage cover a car driven and wrecked with total loss hitting a pole by an under age non licensed driver?
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Is there car insurance for just the car not the driver?

Typically, insurance "follows the car" rather than the driver. An individual that does not own a car can generally obtain "non-owners" coverage that provides liability coverage to him/her regardless of the car driven. Comprehensive coverage may be the closest to the kind of coverage about which you ask. It provides physical damage coverage to the vehicle against risks unconnected with collisions (such as a tree falling upon it, a rock hitting the windshield, and various other risks outlined in the coverage). However, comprehensive coverage is generally sold and purchased in connection with collision coverage.

If a car has full coverage and someone else is driving the vehicle without a license will the insurance still provide coverage?

"Full coverage" is usually interpreted as meaning that it is covered for both physical damage and liability coverage. When an insurance policy is purchased, among the factors that are considered by the insurer in accepting the risk is the make and model of the vehicle, the location at which it is principally garaged, the number of miles driven, and importantly, who will be the main drivers. Without question, any insurer will require that any driver of the car be licensed to drive. Therefore, the broad answer to your question is, no.

If you own a car in Pennsylvania does it need to be insured?

Yes, if it is going to be legally registered, licensed and driven.

Is it legal for right hand cars to be driven in the US?

Sure it is, as long as it's licensed, inspected, and insured.

What are used cars?

Hitting people.

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One of the chief benefits of consumer-driven health plans is cheaper cost. You can get the same coverage and pay a lot less. You may select the company you want as opposed to being give or assigned a company. Your coverage may be better for problems not covered elsewhere.

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They are driven by a CDL licensed individual and with various mechanically operated aids, remove garbage and take it to a dumping facility.

Do you need a licensed to get car insurance?

When it's a self-driven car, you need license to get car insurance from any insurance company.

In Saskatchewan do you have to wear helmets on a quad?

It depends if the vehicle is licensed for the road or not. If it IS......and you're ON the road....YES. If you're NOT on the road....NO. If it isn't licensed, it can ONLY be driven off the road, in which case, you're allowed to kill yourself if you wish!

Does insurance pays for a comprehensive insured car driven by an uninsured driver?

Comprehensive coverage does not apply to the driving of a car. It should be covered.

How much does ATV insurance cost in Idaho?

ATV coverage is generally not a very high insurance coverage depending on the person that is driving it. This is because they are not legal to drive them on the roadways. The are off-road vehicles only and must be driven as such.

Car age or mileage when to consider auto liability insurance?

The age of the vehicle is not a factor in liability coverage. The number of annual miles driven is a factor. This is because the risk of an accident occurring increases in proportion to the amount that the car is driven.