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Car will make when running even if heater core is not burned out.

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Q: Will car make noise when running if heater core is burned out?
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How do you repair the noise in your Ford F-150 in the heater core?

First, be certain it actually is in your heater core. A heater core doesn't have any moving parts, so if there's a noise coming from it, then it's probably from physical damage or a puncture, and it'll have to be replaced.

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Is the inlet port to the heater core on the top of the heater core?

Generally the coolant goes in the bottom of the heater core and out the top only because the coolant makes less noise this way if there happens to be trapped air in the system, otherwise it doesn't matter.

Why do you not have hot heat inside vehicle at 30 degrees or less outside temperature but at 50 degrees it will be just fine on a 1988 Cherokee?

The heater core may be plugged or bad. You can either flush the heater core and the 2 lines running thru the firewall to the heater core or you can replace the heater core.

On a 1991 Ford Aerostar with Dual Heat why would you have water running on the ground on the passenger side?

This is an indication that your heater core is leaking. To stop the leaking you will have to replace the heater core or stop using your heater.

Why do you hear a gurgling noise when you accelerate in your 2002 Jeep liberty?

Low coolant and air in the heater core.

How do you bypass the heater core on a 1994 Firebird?

Take both heater hoses off at the heater and the hose running from the front, attach it to the rear of the engine.

Can a leaking heater core cause your ac not to work in 03 durango?

You may smell coolant when the ac is running but a leak in the heater core won't cause the ac not to work.

What makes heat come and stay in a box?

A very basic answer is: The hot water the engine produces is circulated thru the heater core. The heater core looks like the autos radiator only smaller. The heater core is located inside the heater box. So as the engines hot water circulates thru the heater core the heat will transfer into the heater box. As long as the engine is running and everything is working properly the heater core will stay hot inside the heater box.

Why does smoke come through the vents of your car when running the heater on a Grand Am 1994?

Means that your heater core is leaking coolant. Has to be replaced.

Why does your ac make a clicking noise in my 2002 diamante?

Temperature control in dash by heater core is broke.

Ford ranger heater always hot except when on max air conditioning?

The heater core is still having hot fluid running through it. Check to insure that the shut off is stopping the flow through the heater core.