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Yes. An insurance company will pay when a tree is hit by lightning in your yard. I do not remember which one. Whether or not yours will is a different question. You will need to read your homeowners policy to see what is covered.

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Q: Will an insurance company pay when a tree is hit by lighting that is in yours yard?
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Call your insurance company and let them duke it out with his. If it is his tree...his liability insurance will pay. 4lifeguild

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Yes. But the electrical company's insurance co should cover it if they are at fault.

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My mobile Home is insured by Assurant Insurance company, since we did not supply our own insurance, green tree chose this provider and insured the home for us through them and added the payment to our monthly payment

Who pays for a house damaged by a fallen tree?

Your Home Insurance company will cover the damages. Nobody is liable for an act of Nature.

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Is your car covered by homeowners insurance if stuck by lighting in driveway?

No, Homeowners insurance does not cover vehicles, That's what Auto Insurance is for.. It does not matter where the vehicle was parked.If a tree falls on your car or your car is struck by lightning, hail damaged or whatever, makes no difference. When you purchase your auto Insurance you have the option to buy liability or full coverage. Any damage to your vehicle would have to be filed against your auto insurance policy.AnswerShould be. Same thing if a tree fall on it. no coverage from your home policy.

Is a downed pine tree covered by homeowners ins?

Contact your insurance Company and ask them. Most homeowners insurance policies will only cover the cost of tree removal if the tree fell on the house, otherwise if the tree fall did not damage you insured property improvements, then it's just the homeowners own responsibility to remove debris after the occasional storm.

What happens if lighting strikes a tree?

If lightning strikes a tree, it can cause significant damage such as splitting the tree trunk, scorching the bark, and even causing the tree to catch fire. The intense heat can also cause the tree to explode due to the rapid expansion of moisture inside the tree. In some cases, the tree can survive with long-term damage, while in other cases the tree may die.

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The tree lighting ceremony