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It shouldn't

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Q: Will a non vehicle related misdemeanor as a juvenile affect insurance premiums when said person is an adult?
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Related questions

What is the allowable tax deduction for long term care insurance premiums?

The allowable tax deduction from your long-term care insurance premiums depends on your age. The general rule is that the maximum amount of your deductible money is higher if you are older. Check the related link below to check the highest amounts of tax deductible money from long-term care insurance premiums for the year 2014

Do you have to pay federal or state taxes on an insurance claim settlement?

For US Federal taxes, it would depend on who was paying the premiums for one thing. If you pay the premiums yourself and the loss is not business related, then no. If your employer pays the premiums or if the loss is business related then maybe. Based strictly on the information given in this question, the answer would be no.

Do you have to pay medical insurance whill off on workmens comp?

Even though you're out of work due to a worker's comp case, your premiums for your medical insurance still need to be paid. Just keep in mind that your medical insurance pays for medical illness and isn't related to worker's comp. Your employer may be willing to help you pay the premiums until you get back to work.

What are an insurance agent's duties?

Agents order or issue policies, collect premiums, renew and change existing coverage, and help clients with questions or problems related to coverage.

Is DUI considered a misdemeanor traffic offense?

In most instances a DUI is a misdemeanor. Under certain circumstances it can be a felony if there are aggravating factors such as driving without a valid license or insurance or if there are significant injuries. For further details see the related links below.

How does your mileage determine the cost of your insurance?

No, because insurance companies have no way of knowing this, unless they are going to your mechanic and getting the information but that would take to long for all of the people they cover.Accidents and tickets can affect your deductible and monthly insurance payments.AnswerThe amount of miles/kilometers driven per year affects the rates of your premiums. (Please see the related link for more info about factors affecting your premiums)

What are the advantages and disadvantages to long term care insurance?

Advantages of long-term care insurance include coverage for expenses related to nursing home care, assisted living facilities, and in-home care, which can help protect savings and assets. However, disadvantages may include high premiums, limitations on coverage, and the possibility that premiums may increase over time. It is important to carefully consider your individual needs and financial situation before deciding if long-term care insurance is right for you.

Can a school teacher in Texas continue to teach with a class A misdemeanor?

A teacher in Texas can continue to teach with a class A as long as the misdemeanor is not one that is related to the duties of the education profession. If a teacher is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor that is related to the duties of the education profession they can also lose their license.

Are key employee insurance premiums deductible?

It depends on who is paying the premium and who receives the benefit. Always a good idea to consult a tax professional when deciding on tax related issues. Just remember, a tax deduction today is fully taxable when benefits are paid out.

What are some pictures of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis?

Go to the related link

How would a police officer respond to uncaring parents in the case of a juvenile related law Like curfew?

Report and refer the matter to juvenile authorities.

Will a non violent non drug related and non sexual offence High Court Misdemeanor effect your right to own or possess a firearm?

As long as the misdemeanor is non violent, non drug related, and non sexual or threatening then it will not affect you right to own a firearm.