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The landlord can ask for a damage deposit when you get your pet. This is fair and covers any possible damage the dog may do. If your dog doesn't do any damage you are entitled to the damage deposit back when you move. Many motels and hotels in Canada and the U.S. ask for a deposit of up to $50 or more if you bring along a pet. In the morning when you are paying your bill they will have one of their employees inspect the room and if all is well you get your $50 back. Marcy

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Q: Will a landlord's homeowners insurance increase if you buy a dog that is not considered a high risk breed?
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Do skylights increase the cost of homeowners insurance?

No. Skylights would not effect the cost of homeowners insurance.

Can you choose how much coverage you want for homeowners insurance or does the insurance company have the right to drastically increase your coverage without your approval?

It is unlawful to intentionally under insure your home. Your insurance company is required to review your homeowners policy regularly to insure that you are properly insured and that your homeowners policy is in compliance with the law as well as the terms of any associated mortgage note.

Does your insurance go up if you own a pocket pitbull?

In fact, certain claims on your homeowners policy could lead to an increase.

How much do homeowners insurance rates increase due to poor credit from a bankruptcy?

not much. should not matter too much. homeowner's insurance is anyway too low.

When a homeowners insurance company pays a claim will they normally increase the cost of the insurance?

It all depends on the type of claim. If the adjuster believes that the claim can be a predictor of future additional risk, he/she will probably recommend increasing rates.

Does homeowners insurance go up after a burglary?

Not necessarily. Homeowners insurance rates may increase after a burglary if the frequency of break-ins in your area has increased, or if you file a claim for the stolen items. It is always best to check with your insurance provider to understand how a burglary might impact your policy.

Will homeowners insurance cover golf clubs stolen from the car on the property?

Every homeowners policy is unique and you need to read through your policy to be sure but I can tell you that most homeowners policies will cover your personal property. Your homeowners policy will actually cover your personal property anywhere in the world (depending on your specific policy). If your clubs were stolen from your car and you are thinking of filing a claim just remember that you will be responsible for your homeowners deductible which is usually around $1,000. That means that you are responsible for the first $1,000 so if your clubs are worth $1,200 you would get a check for $200 from your insurance company. Most golf clubs aren't worth that much but if yours are do you really want to file a claim to get a $200 check? After you file that claim your homeowners insurance premium will increase for 3-5 years because you will be considered a higher risk by the insurance companies. One other thing to consider is that if your car windows were broken during the theft you will also have to file a claim with your auto insurance company if you want them to cover the window. Most auto policies will replace glass for free or very little.

Will a parking ticket raise insurance rates?

Generally parking violation will not effect your insurance. These are not considered moving violations and thererfore will not increase the premiums.

Will having a swing set make my homeowners insurance more expensive?

In most cases, your homeowner's insurance will not become more expensive when you purchase a swing set. However, a small number of agencies will require that you increase your liability coverage. Even if you are not required to increase your liability coverage, you should consider doing so.

If you hit the side of a garage when pulling in will insurance cover it even if happened at a home on private property?

More than likely the homeowners insurance or the auto insurance would cover the damage. The person would have to evaluate whether the deductible and possible increase of rates would be worth filing a claim on either policy.

What causes increases in the escrow payments having to be paid?

AnswerGenerally, escrow is for paying county property taxes and home insurance. An increase in either of these could be the cause.AnswerEscrow payments are payments in addition to your Principal & Interest that you pay on a monthly basis. Your escrow payments are set aside and used towards year end for the payment of your Property taxes & Homeowners Insurance. If you experience increases in your escrows its largely in part to either an increase in your taxes or insurance or both. An increase in taxes is common which would be caused by increase of home value.

Why would your insurance increase?

what insurance?