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No, the hood will not fit. 1965 is pre-Super Beetle; 1973 is post Super Beetle. The 65 hood is going to be much more narrow and arched then a Super Beetle hood or anything past their early transitions to the Super beetle which started to transpire in June of 1971

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Q: Will a hood off a 73 bug fit 65 bug Both are standard bugs.?
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Will a 1969 vw bug hood fit a 1971 vw bug?

If the 71 is a standard then yes it will fit.

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Is bugs

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Bug spray. Bug spray.

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a bug box atracts bugs to live in them

What does plural bugs mean?

As a noun, "bugs" is the plural of "bug". It means small insects. Informally, "bug" can be some type of virus (stomach bug) or a glitch in a computer program.As a verb, "bugs" is the third person singular conjugation of "to bug" (bother) or to install a listening device (they bugged the phone).

Is a kissing bug the same as the assasin bug?

Yes, a kissing bug is a type of assassin bug. Assassin bugs are a diverse group of insects that includes the kissing bugs. Kissing bugs earned their name due to their habit of biting humans near the lips or face, hence "kissing" bug.

How do yellow bug lights work?

According to the manufacturer's packaging, the yellow light it "unseeable" by bugs, so they are not attracted to it like they are a standard bulb.

Is a lady bug a true bug?

A ladybug is NOT a true bug. Reason, all true bugs have its own scientific and simple name. The bugs that are not truebugs, are bugs that have the "bug" in the name. Non-true bugs can have the "bug" separate from its first name. E.g.. lightning bug. Perhaps you were thinking of true flies versus the non-flies that consistently have "fly" attached to another part of their names.

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