No, the car will not pass inspection because you can not see what is coming on the right hand side, both mirrors need to be there to see what is behind you. I hope this helped you.
Will a car pass inspection if your right side mirror missing
Nope, it's a safety hazard.
Yup! Just failed mine without one...
No, but I for sure would not drive a car with the sway bar missing. That is a dangerous situation.
You can not have a crack in your windshield to pass inspection
In pa it will pass an inspection
There are a number of different parts that need to be in the right condition to pass inspection. has an article dedicated to this task. Check out this link here:
inspection merchandise
Yes, your car should pass the inspection if everything else is working properly. The abs light is not a reason for rejection on why you shouldn't pass the inspection.
Will my car pass inspection with the tire light on
No. It's done every day, but the buyer has to knowthat it won't pass inspection.