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No, it will be unstable and unsafe.

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Q: Will a 10.5 wide tire fit a 6 rim?
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Will a 10.5 wide tire fit a 8 rim?

No. Sorry!

What is the biggest tire i can fit on a 15''?

Depends how wide your rim is and on what vehicle.

Will a 33x12.5x15 tire fit any 15 rim?

No, the 15" wheel must be wide enough the handle this very wide tire.

Will a 205.50R15 fit on a 10in wide rim?

It will fit , but the tires will wear out on the outside edges because the rim pulls the tire to far out on each side.

Can a 10 inch tire fit on a 7 inch rim?

You must know the answer is NO. Not necessarily true, we're talking about width I assume, the section width of the tire 10" in this case is measured at the widest part of the tire. The bead, the part of the tire that sits on the wheel, is significantly narrower. Just as an example P245/55R20, which is a 10" wide tire lists the apporved rim width as 7.0"-9.0", so depending on the exact size it is very possible that your 10" wide tire could go on a 7" wide rim.

Will Cooper Response touring tire fit on a 7 inch wide rim?

They depends on ? what seize the tire is. Normally nothing bigger than a 225 is mounted on a 7inch rim.

Can you fit your 700 28c bicycle tire to a 700 23c?

Any rim that can take one 700C tire will take any other 700C tire, after a fashion. But just because the tire will fit the rim doesn't guarantee that the tire will fit in the frame or fork. 23C to 28C isn't much of a difference, but if you go crazy wide there's a risk that the wider tire won't sit that well on a narrow rim.

Can you mount a 2.3 wide mountain bike tire on a rim that came with a 2.0 wide tire?

It'll probably fit on the rim w/o undue problems, but whether it'll fit in the frame is another question. Check how much clearance there is between the chainstays first.

What is the smallest rim that a 295 50 15 tire will fit?

the last # on your tire is the size rim you need for that tire 295 50 15 /15 inch rim I am sure you know it must be a 15" rim and were asking about the width of the rim. You need at least a 9" wide rim but a 10" would be even better to avoid tire bulge.

Can 14 tire fits 15 rim?

no, it takes a 15' tire to fit a 15" rim.

Will a 245 tire fit a 9.5 rim?

Ys, as long as rim and tire diameter are compatible

Will a 17 tire fit a 16 rim?

NO. The tire is an inch bigger around than the rim....