Inflation is one reason. Everything goes up over time.
I used to buy a loaf of bread for .49 cents, now it costs $1.19.
the police can only take your car if you have a violation. they can't take your car without any violation even if it doesn't have any insurance. What country are you in? In Britain no tax or no insurance means points on your licence if driving and even if parked means towed away with heavy fine, storage fees and if not sorted in 14 days the car is crushed.
Not unless you received a violation for the accident. Otherwise it will show on your record as a not at fault accident and should not raise your rates.
No, but whoever was driving the car...his insurance cost will increase! It is the insurance on the car that crashes thru the wall that has to pay the claim. 4lifeguild
Helping to answer "How do speeding tickets affect your car insurance?" Depending on the insurance carrier that you have, i.e. Geico, Progressive, State Farm, Allstate, your premium will increase. Points are assesed when a speeding violation is incurred. Each insurance company has a chart that will determin how much of a percentage your premium per violation. Each state is different and some will allow for points to be removed by taking a driving course. However, if the violation is still on your MVR, it may not matter that there are not any points assessed because you will still be charged an increase based on your carrier's point system. For example: You incur a speeding ticket that asseses 2 points on your MVR. You take a course to remove the points, but it is still listed on your MVR as a violation. You may still be charged an increase in premium depending on your insurance carrier. I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes from different companies:
If your contract requires full coverage and you do not have full coverage, you are in violation of the contract.
$874 in LA County if you have no car insurance at all.As of 1.1.09, it's $25 if you have proof of car insurance.
A jaywalking ticket will not increase your car insurance. It will not put points on your license in most areas or states.
Multiple, and/or constant accidents can increase car insurance costs.
This is typically termed an infraction, not a moving violation (although there is some variance, depending upon which state you are in), so it should not affect your premium.
As a senior citizen, your car insurance generally increase by $100 a year depending on your history.
If insurance is required by your contract then the 'wrong' insurance might be a contract violation allowing repossession. You have to read your contract.