you have to shake the steering wheel left to right while also shaking the key towards run and off. eventually it will unlock. if it doesn't work you need to have your keys cut and bought from dealer. the keys to this car only work when bought from dealer.
Take it out of park u retard
Try jiggling the wheel as you turn the key. Sometimes if the steering wheel is in a little bit of a bind it won't allow the key to turn or unlock the wheel.
The 2001 Hyundai Accent has front wheel drive.
The 2001 Hyundai Accent has a 8 ft. 0.1 in. (96.1 in.) wheel base.
In order to unlock steering wheel on a chevy s10 take all your info and get a new key from the dealership. On the other hand, you could also try to change the cylinder or the housing that might have become faulty.
try holding the wheel to one side then turn key
How to remove steering wheel on a 2001 chevy tohoe
How to Remove the Steering wheel From a Chevy Blazer 2001
It has a steering wheel of 14 inch diameter.
Give the wheel a bit of a jiggle as you insert and twist your keys in the ignition one or two notches (but not turning the vehicle on).
screws on the back side of the steering wheel
make the car neutral, push the clutch and move the key in normal way. I have unlocked my Kia Pride (Classic) model 2001 this way.