The diverter, or blend, door, is not working properly, The door is either feeding the heat through the defroster, or closing the heat completely off.
If the air is blowing but not hot, you may be drawing in too much cold air while driving down the road. If that is the case, try blocking off a portion of your radiator with a cardboard box. Do not block all of it off as your vehicle may overheat. You might need to have the heater core flushed if its not blowing out hot air. If it its not blowing out anything try replacing the blower motor.
If you can smell anti-freeze when you are driving down the road it could be the heater core, if not check you anti-freeze level, if that is ok I would say it could be your thermostat. hope this helps.
It could be the heater valve which is located under the hood to the passenger side down below the radiator and fan units.
thermostat needs replaced
that's because you have to let get started and you havent used for little and it turns down
Replace the rheostat under the passengers footwell. Should be two screws on a plastic casing pull it down and pop the rheostat out and replace.
Both. It has motors driving the cooling fan and blower for the heater and A/C. It has an engine driving the wheels and propelling the vehicle down the road.
you probably have a blocked heater tap. the heater cools down and there isn't enough coolant flow through the heater tap to keep it warm
it has a partially clogged heater core.replace the heater core
yes it will shut down. the low pressure switch will shut it down.
Perhaps it needed to cool down.
sometimes this is caused by the blower resistor heating up and shutting the circuit down, or it could be in the blower itself heating up and shutting down.