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Most heater settings on a modern car with Air Conditioning will cause the A/C compressor to kick on. This is to remove moisture from the inside air and prevent frosting of the windshield and windows. The air conditioner coils accumulate the moisture which drips down and through a small tube or hose and out the bottom of the car. That's what you are seeing, if it's clear water.

On the other hand, if it's coolant (antifreeze) you have a leaking heater core.

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Q: Why would your car be dripping water after running the heater?
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either your hot water heater has been installed incorrectly or the thermostat has been set too low Sorry to butt in BUT there is NO THERMOSTAT on a hot water heater there is a AQUASTAT and sometimes the heater short cycles just to maintain the SET temperature

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It is a water heater, not a hot water heater. There would be little point in using a hot water heater. I assume that is your point.

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its water. you wouldn't see "freon" r-22 dripping from it. it would boil off before youd ever be able to see it.