Oil can do that. Check your head gasket.
also check thermostat to make sure its opening. intake leaks can cause this. mixing different types of coolant...using stop leaks...not having cooling system flushed reguraly can all cause these symptoms as well as head gaskets.
Most likely a really slight leak in the radiator allowing the fluids to mix slightly.
The white foam is a mixture of a liquid and gasses.
The white foam on a wave is called "surf" or "surfing."
Sea foam is white.
White foam around the mouth and nose of a dog could be from dehydration or nausea. It is best to consult a veterinarian.
leaking head gasket or improper fluid in cooling system
White foam on top of a wave is caused by the churning and mixing of air and water as the wave breaks. This foam is made up of air bubbles and water molecules, giving it a frothy appearance.
Most foam mattress toppers have a beige or white colored covering. The foam on the inside of the mattress topper may be any color, grey, white, blue etc.
white or blue
yes it is