The alignment is miss-set or the front suspension and steering is damaged, OR the steering coloum is broken or damaged
You should sit comfortably holding the wheel with your arms slightly bent at the elbows. Do not sit close to, or 'crowd,' the steering wheel, or you may suffer injury when the bag deploys.
They drive on the left side of the road and they sit towards the midline of the road. That places the steering wheel on the right side.
You should be 10 inches... For safety reason.
The steering wheel needs to be where the driver is sitting. Some sit on the left side of the car and some sit on the right side of the car, depending on which side the pond you live on.
first you rake the engine out then you sit on the steering wheel and blowdry the engine the curl it with a curler
Sit in the driver's seat and look through the steering wheel. That large gauge in the middle with 0-140 is the speedometer.
Your loose steering wheel is probably the result of a bad steering wheel bearing. Your most important priority is to not set off the airbag. To do this correctly you must disconnect the battery and let it sit for 5 minutes while the backup system discharges. Then remove the airbag via the 4 bolts on the back of the steering wheel. after disconecting the airbag and cruise wires you will need to pull the steering wheel. Ford makes a puller but you can probably jury rig a standard puller to do the job. once the wheel is off you'llk need to disconnect all wires from the clock spring and carefully pull it. there are three fragile tabs on the back of the clock spring so be careful. Now you're looking at the steering shaft. Remove the spacer first - it comes right off with no tabs. Next the split ring and spring (pain in the ass as always). and lastly the bearing. Hope this helps - correct me if I'm wrong.
1. Sit at least 10 inches away from the steering wheel to avoid injury if the airbag deploys. 2. Keep your hands on the lower half of the steering wheel and use "pull push" steering to avoid having your arm thrown into your face, breaking your nose and possibly teeth if the airbag deployed.
Fill fluid to proper level and start car---slowly turn steering wheel left to right and then back to center-----TURN STEERING WHEEL SLOW. The noise you hear is the air. Recheck fluid and add to full line and repeat steering wheel turning procedure. Then let car sit for a few minutes to let air rise. Start car and repeat procedure until system is quiet. NOTE: do not overfill system or fluid will overflow.
Do you mean parking brake switch? You have to sit on a stool, look under the dash under steering wheel. You will need a flashlight.
To take the steering wheel off of a Chevy Celebrity: If it is a non eurosport model: Remove the horn button. It is held on by a screw (torx or phillips) through the back of the spokes. Unplug the wire and sit it aside. Take off the keeper at the top of the steering shaft if there is one. Take off the steering wheel retainer nut. Use a suitable puller to take the steering wheel off of the shaft. If it is a Eurosport model: Take off the horn button. Take off the keeper at the top of the steering shaft if there is one. Unscrew the three screws that hold the horn button on. Note the position of the slot, it needs to go back in the same place. Pay close attention to how each piece comes out so you can put it back correctly. I use a small container to keep all the parts and screws in order. Next remove the steering wheel retainer nut. Use a suitable puller to take the steering wheel off of the shaft. Use the reverse procedure to put the steering wheel back on. Torque the retainer nut to 30 ft lbs.
If you sit inside the wheel it's a Monowheel, if you sit on top it's a unicycle.