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It can be many different reasons

  1. You cancelled the policy and they had a short-rate cancellation penalty. If they charged you that penalty for cancelling, then you do owe it.
  2. You had made changes (endorsements) to that policy right before you cancelled it and owe premium for that change.
  3. There's a bill you missed and don't realize it, although you think you paid them all.
  4. There could be a carryover from a previous policy term into the renewal term.
  5. They could have made a mistake.
  6. etc....

The best thing to do is have their customer service or agent go over each bill and each payment made by you. I have to say that most carriers have electronic records and they are USUALLY right. You really need to go over each month together to find out what happened.

If they went to collections, then that means you went a long time without paying. They sent you bills and maybe made phone calls to you and you didn't pay or refused to pay. Who knows...but it is pretty late in the process when it gets to collections. Try to get the records from your old agent/company and back-track how it happened. Maybe your old agent could help you sort it out.

Hope this helps...

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Q: Why would an auto insurance company after you have cancelled your policy and you have not had a single late payment say you owe more money and threaten to take you to collections?
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Generally, a claim can be cancelled. If you do not want the insurance to pay a claim, the company will be glad not to pay it.

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A valid current (ie receipted) insurance document. (Assuming that the company has not cancelled the insurance contract for some breach on your part).

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What happens is that you get a new insurance policy, possibly with another insurer. Any unearned premium will be returned to you by your insurer.

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If your previous home insurance policy was cancelled for non-payment, the company you were insured with may choose not to reinstate the policy depending on your history with the company. While this company does not have to reinstate your policy, you will be able to bind insurance with another provider. If this company asks if you have been cancelled previously for non-payment, answer honestly. This will not disqualify you for obtaining insurance, however it may disqualify you from receiving a continuous coverage discount if they offer it.

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First we would need to know why you were cancelled? As if you were cancelled for misrepresentation or fraud then you are in trouble, but if you were cancelled for non payment then just call up some other insurance companies and get quotes should be no issue, you may see a jump in your premium and thats unavoidable and you will have to live with it for around 3 years. If you were cancelled for underwriting reasons, inquire as to what that was so you can change it for the next insurance company. Condo insurance is very complex and although it is cheaper then most insurances for property it is the most difficult to adjust for a claim.

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