Any engine that is not seized up should start if fuel, compression and spark are all present.
Check the spark plug. It could be flooded. Clean the carb
I am not sure what to do if your Grizzly 600 Yamaha will not start. You can try taking it to a shop and having it worked on.
Could be anything, remember this: you need fuel, air, and spark to run a motor, first make sure you have that and then go from there.
i have a new coil my raptor has a new starter and it trys to turn i have drained old gas and put new still wont start
check spark check spark
do you have gas in the tank
probably dont have any compression. take spark plug out and put your thumb over the plug hole as you try to kick start it. if no air shoots out then its a compression problem
has it goty spark
appears no fire going to spark plugs
its probably not getting gas to the engine. clean your carb out and look at the reeds. if not you dont have enough compression to pull gas into it. its probably not getting gas to the engine. clean your carb out and look at the reeds. if not you dont have enough compression to pull gas into it.
Could be broken timing belt. Do the spark plugs have spark?
get a new spark plug