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Q: Why will transmission not downshift to passing gear?
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Can a TH-350 transmission operate without a kick down cable?

yes with out the cable connected properly and you are going up a hill it will not go into passing gear. or downshift when needed.

What causes hard downshift when speeding up to pass?

It's called passing gear. It is normal.

Does a 1996 Dodge Caravan have a passing gear?

If you press the gas pedal down far enough it will downshift into the next lower gear.

When should you downshift an automatic transmission?

When climbing a steep incline. The automatic transmission will always try to engage a high gear.

What happens when downshift 18 wheeler to fast?

Usually, it won't go into gear. If you get it into gear, you could cause serious damage to the transmission.

Why won't my 1978 Firebird won't downshift to passing gear?

check tv cable, and modulator valve as a start

What is the use of paddle shifters?

To manually control the shifting of the transmission. Either downshift, upshift or hold in a gear.

Why wont your Chrysler town and country downshift back into first gear?

The transmission computer defaults to second gear when it detects a malfunction and sets a code.

What gear is over drive in an automatic transmission?

It is called the passing gear.

How do you adjust transmission passing gear cable on 90 Chevy silverado?

How do you adjust a transmission passing gear cable on a 95 chevy tahoe /

Will a new car with auto transmission downshift quickly?

Once the computer tells the transmission to downshift the car should in theory downshift just as quickly as it upshifts.

What is a compound word that means shift to a lower gear?

The compound word is "downshift."