I think it was around 1975 the U.S. government declared that all motorcycles have left side shift and right side brake so to be imported they had to change it
It is above the brake pedal not under it. Follow the brake pedal bracket all the way up and you will see the brake pedal switch.
Just above the brake pedal, on the mounting bracket that the pedal pivots on.Just above the brake pedal, on the mounting bracket that the pedal pivots on.
to the left of the brake pedal
Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.
It would be the rubber pad that sits on your brake pedal. Unless they were referring to brake pads, which are the pads which enables your vehicle to stop by pressing the brake pedal.
On the brake pedal bracket under the dash.On the brake pedal bracket under the dash.
manualy lift brake pedal to see if they go out. if so check spring at pedal
On the brake pedal.
Usually that would be caused by a faulty brake light switch connected TO the brake pedal. If the brakes work the pedal is probably ok.
Hardness in the brake pedal can because by low brake fluid. Air in the brake lines can also cause the pedal to push hard.
As far as I know nothing will happen . To shift into 4WD LOW you have to be at a complete stop , foot on the brake pedal , transmission shifted into neutral ( or clutch pedal depressed ) and then select 4WD LOW
Probably the brake booster going bad.