because you can't see them at night and plus when you are driving you don't want to hit them.
They wore clothes, mostly. At night they sometimes didn't wear clothes but mostly they did.
some clothes to wear in new jersey are daisy dukes on a cold winter night
Jeans, shirts, older people wear turbans and robes
They wear boots and clothes
Dark clothes that covered as much skin as possible, sunglasses, berets.
Highwaymen wore dark clothes to help conceal their identity and blend in with the darkness of night, making it easier for them to surprise and rob travelers along the roads without being easily spotted or identified. Additionally, dark clothing can also help hide any dirt or stains acquired while on the road.
Women's night wear can consist of everything from flannel pajamas or night gowns to sexier baby doll pajamas or nothing at all. Many women will wear a robe over their night gowns to add warmth to the night clothes.
no they shouldnt
Robbers often wear dark clothing to blend in with the night or to avoid being easily spotted. Common items include hoodies, masks, gloves, and dark pants to conceal their identity and aid in escape. Some may also wear hats to further conceal their face.
darker co9lors attract heat, and it can feel much warmer with dark clothes on, so people wear light colored clothes to stay cool.
I would wear quite dark clothes so people can't see you as much