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The short time off the brakes does not allow for brake cooling

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Related questions

How long should brakes last on a new car?

depends how long you use them

Why should I repair my front brakes?

If you don't repair your front brakes, your back brakes will wear down faster. This will cost you more money in the long run. It's probably important to have all your brakes working.

How often should drum brakes be replaced?

It depends. High quality brakes can last a very long time if you drive your car properly and do not rabbit drive. If they are squeaking, you should have them checked out.

How long will my Honda Civic brakes last ?

You should replace your brakes almost every 100,00 miles. Many cars will let you know it is time to get your brakes replaced. If you are worried, I would have a mechanic look at it.

Your brakes squeek why .i have a 95 Monte Carlo?

my brakes squeek do i need new brakes??? More than likely it's just a build up of brake dust causing the squealing best advise I can offer is to have the brakes checked & cleaned As long as the brakes are not grinding you should be OK for a little while

How long should brakes last on 2001 Pontiac Sunfire?

assuming that it was serviced properly,youre brakes should last around 2 years under easy driving conditions ( you dont drive the crap out of it). 2 years

How can I get good brakes on a budget?

If you get the low priced brakes they will end up costing you much more in the long run. If you get the more expensive brakes you will save more in the long run.

Can hot brakes cause a tire fire?

If brakes are sticking and you drive for a long distance, then yes

How long should the disc brakes last on a Peugeot 307 cc?

The vehicle doesnt really matter...its the quality of the break pads that you buy.

What is a skidmark?

An example is if you are on your bike and you hit your brakes really fast and hard. You should see a long black streak on the street. That streak is the the skidmark.

How long do you need to let car brakes cool down before driving car again?

You do not need to wait to lt the brakes cool down from city driving, if you are in a race on the other hand everything changes. If your brakes are bright orange when you get out of you car then you should check the oil coolant system.

How long are the brakes in netball?

5 hours