Oil makes things "slip", it is a lubricant, it reduces friction. Brake blocks work by "gripping" the wheel rim and stop the wheel turning using high friction between the block and the rim.
Placing oil on the brake blocks will reduce their efficiency and if the rider can not stop quickly they may run into things.
Because they start leaking oil and dont work good
Because to have good brakes you want plenty of friction, and oil is used to reduce friction.
you must use a gear/wet brake oil which is avalable from suzuki you must use this due to the interal wet brake
All, master cylinder, brake calipers, and wheel cylinders, must be flushed out. Motor oil causes the seals to swell and lock up brakes.
perhaps you mean brake fluid. The engine oil will be spoilt, as will be the Brake Fluid.Read more: What_is_the_treatment_for_engine_fill_with_break_fluid_and_engine_oil_mix
It could be that it is simply stuck because of rust, dirt and grime. Clean it and oil the moving parts. If that is not enough to loosen the brake, the problem is in the brake parts inside the wheels. This must then be dissassembled and the parts cleaned or changed.
motor oil trannsmisson oil brake oil
so it doesnt break down
Only brake fluid can be used for brake fluid. Brake fluid is a glycol-based liquid - it's closer to antifreeze than to oil, but don't use antifreeze in it either. Only brake fluid.
When you are getting kinda low on oil and it is almost to where you need an oil change when you brake it sloshes the oil and makes the light go off.
if it is brake fluid your brake cylinder is bad if it is gear oil you have a bad axel seal