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fuel sending unit in fuel tank

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Q: Why is your gas gauge acting erractic?
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What is an erractic?


1997 Chevy venture gas gauge acting crazy?

sticking float on the fuel pump, or malfunction in the float

What does erratic mean in Latin?

Erractic from English to Latin is wandering Erractic from Latin to English is erraticus Hope this helped! Panda7Apple

Where is fuel gas gauge?

The gas gauge is in the instrument cluster , the sending unit for the gas gauge is inside the gas tank combined with the electric fuel pump

Gas gauge not working?

my gas gauge is not working what could be the problem

What is wrong when you press on the gas to accelerate the engine revs up but the speed does not increase?

you probly stilll got the car in park or the gauge is acting up or probly its the transmission

Where is the fuse for gas gauge on Chevy Malibu?

If the gas gauge stops working is there a fuse for it?

Where is and how do you change the gas gauge float on a 1999 Chevy Malibu?

your gas gauge float is in the gas tank you have to drop your gas tank and take out sending unit but if the gas gauge is not reading right you should check the ground wire on the gas tank

My 86 Toyota wastes gas and the gas gauge is not going up when you add gas?

The fault could be the sending unit or the dash gauge.

How do you repair a non functioning gas gauge in 1996 Mazda B2300 pickup?

you need to replace the gas gauge sending unit in the tank, or your gauge is broken

What is a mechanical gas tank gauge?

It is a gas tank fuel level gauge that operates without the use of electronics.

Why does the gas gauge not work in 1998 Chevy Suburban?

Your gauge could be bad but sometimes the floats in the gas tank get holes in them and fill with gas. this causes the float to stay at the bottom and your gauge to read empty. U might also check the wiring from the sender at the fuel tank to the gas gauge itself.