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to much oil

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Q: Why is your car shaking after a oil change?
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Your car is shaking and clanking and smoking so what is wrong?

Do change the car & buy a new one, Simple!

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Car Motor Oil ?

form_title= Car Motor Oil form_header= Know your car is in good shape when you change your oil. When was your oil last changed?*= _ [50] How often do you change your oil?*= _ [50] What oil do you use? *= _ [50]

Getting an Oil Change?

When your car needs an oil change, there are a number of things you need to take into consideration. While every car needs an oil change after a certain amount of miles or months, exactly how you can accomplish that oil change is dictated by the type of car you have. For example, if you have a used car that is not under warranty, you can change the oil yourself or have it changed by anyone that you want. However, if you have a new car that is under warranty, you may find that you aren't allowed to do that. Some car warranties may require you to take your car into a certified oil change center to change the old oil without voiding your warranty.

Car Oil ?

form_title= Car Oil form_header= The key to keep your car running like is new is to change the oil. What oil do you normally use?*= _ [50] Have you noticed any oil on the ground?*= () Yes () No When did you last change your oil?*= _ [50]

Why is the engine oil light still on after an oil change was done on the E320?

The oil change garage or Mercedes dealer has to reset the oil change light. The oil change light goes by the mileage on the car, tripping the light on at the factory recommended oil change intervals. The computer doesn't know you changed the oil in the car unless you tell it. Read your car owners manual.

What is an oil change?

An oil change is when you change the oil of your car. Once in a while, cars need to have an oil change because their oil get used too much and needs to be changed.

What problem is there with exhaust smell and shaking engine?

First of All Get a Engine Diagostics and see if there are any problems and fix them from a Prof Machenic If your car has not been tuned then change the spark plug, spark plug wires, fuel line filter. If this does not solve then change the distributer cap. That should solve the basic prolems of Shaking engine. Also check for the engine oil levels from time to time for the exhaust smell. (if car is old do put the engine oil treatmet like MOTOR UP, and other...which are available in the market)

2001 grand am how do i reset change oil light?

The car actually measures the viscosity of the oil while you are driving and running the car when you change the oil the light will be reset.

Cheap Oil Change?

form_title= Cheap Oil Change form_header= Save money and keep your car running smoothly with a cheap oil change. How often do you change your oil?*= _ [50] Have you noticed any problems with your car?*= () Yes () No What type of oil do you usually use?*= _ [50]

How do you change oil on 1998 Ford Mustang?

Drain old oil out of car change oil filter and refill with fresh oil.

How to change oil in a 1991 240sx?