The egr (exhaust gas reclaimer) has hot exhaust gas passing thru it, it will get hot.
make hot meals really hot.
Even a good EGR valve may cause an engine to stall in hot weather.
The wires are probably getting too hot.
as hot as the exhaust manifold there are exhaust gases passing through it
How long can you drive before getting your egr valve repaired on 1999 acura cl?
when the summer is really hot and the sun is getting close to the earth.
getting covered in really hot stuff called lava.
You could be embarrassed
Remove the EGR valve vacuum lines. Remove the EGR valve retaining screws. Wash the EGR valve in hot water. Allow the valve to thoroughly dry before installing it.
You can't really clean the EGR valve. If it's faulty, it simply needs to be replaced. -Jesse
Try cleaning the Intake Manifold where the EGR valve is attached.