If the engine temp only gets to 120 degrees F, I would say the thermostat is stuck open or missing.
probably means u need to change the coolant for the car,leaking coolant sumwhere
A temperature gauge, that always read the maximum temperature, is usually not connected to the temperature sensor. The wire between the gauge and the sensor must be broken.
The temperature gauge on a car fluctuates because the car's thermostat is opening and closing. The gauge goes up when the thermostat closes and the gauge goes down when the thermostat opens.
120 minus 3 is 117. However, a temperature of 117 means you will still be dead. The highest temperature ever recorded in a patient that lived was 115.7 degrees Fahrenheit. So that part about waking up to a temperature of 120- yeah, you would not wake up. Ever.
The temperature gauge should be connected to the transmission temperature sensor. The transmission temperature sensor is located on the right-hand side of the transmission.
If you temperature gauge is going up and down then you may have a problem with your sensor. You should take your car to a professional to ensure that you don't overheat your car.
if the temperature goes up on ur gauge but it is not overheating means ur thermostat is no good
You need to replace temperature sensor
Could be the coolant temperature sensor.
Thermostat is gone, change it