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The oil will be hot, which causes it to expand. This can give a false reading of your oil level.

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Q: Why is not good to check engine oil immediately after stopping?
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i can think of only one good way to turn the check light off ... you check the engine ... and get what needs to be fixed fixed ...

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if you need good info than you must provide a good question,what year,what engine? give me the info I'll give you the answers.

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first you want to find out why the check engine is on then go from there . if you have an auto zone thay will check it for free good luck

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Check your gas cap to make sure it seals tight. My check engine light comes on every now and then in my 1991 Camry and once I reseat the cap it goes out almost immediately. If this is not the problem have a mechanic check the oxygen sensor. Good luck, JFD EGR It might be your EGR valve which is part of your emissions system. My 1997 Celica passed the emissions test but the EGR valve still needed to be replaced. After it was replaced, the check engine light went off. The part cost about $75 from a Toyota dealer.