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The truck driver has bigger blind spots and may not see you coming.

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Q: Why is it more risky passing a lorry than a car?
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What are trucks called in England?

Singular: Lorry Plural: Lorries Lorry or Lorries if more than one.

Why would a small light car be lighter than a heavy lorry?

Because it is way smaller than a lorry.

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You can determine if an object is receiving more heat than it is passing on by monitoring its temperature increase. If the object's temperature is rising, it is receiving more heat than it is passing on. If the object's temperature is dropping, it is passing on more heat than it is receiving. If the object's temperature remains constant, it is receiving and passing on heat at the same rate.

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Less risky than carrying it (or anything illegal or illicit) but far more risky than just not packing it at all. Some airports use dogs to check baggage for bombs and drugs.

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Despite the assurances, more startups fail than succeed.

What is the plural of lorry?

In British English, a "lorry" is a large truck. The word "truck" is also used in British English, but it tends to refer to pickup trucks or flatbed trucks, rather than vehicles with an enclosed compartment.

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Passing would require more effort than receiving.

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A lorry travelling fast would experience more air resistance due to its high speed and larger surface area compared to a streamlined car travelling slowly. The faster an object moves through the air, the greater the resistance it encounters.

1 aggressive and conservative working capital strategies?

aggressive approach is more risky than conservative approach .

Is a tubal ligation more risky at age 25?

It is risky at any age. It is most recommended by doctors that the man get a vasectomy rather than the woman get a tubal ligation. The recovery time is less for men and it is less risky since there are fewer tubes and less chance of complications.

Is giving birth risky for a mother chinchilla?

It depends. If the chinchilla is small than it is really risky. The male should be the same weight if not lighter than than the female. If the babies are to big it is risky. It is better not to breed just in case. But ask your chinchilla's vet.

Can you use bio diesel in your iveco lorry?

you can, but i wouldn't because changing your injectors will cost you alot more than you will save on the diesel... learnt the hard way myself