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Carbon monoxide poisoning, you may wake up dead.

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Q: Why is it dangerous to leave a car running in a garge with the door closed?
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Why is it dangerous to leave a car engine running when the car is in a closed garage?

The danger lies in asphyxiation by the engine's exhaust fumes in a close non ventilated enclosure .

Why do people want to leave their homeland?

People leave there homeland for many reasons. Some leave for a job, better job others leave because there country is instable dangerous or is in a time of warfare. During WWII USA closed there immigration doors because we were getting a extreme amount of immigrants from many different countries many of which where Jewish.

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Because if the air hole was wide open, the flame will be blue, which is going to be really hot so you have to leave it at a safety yellow flame which is when the air hole is closed when lit. It could be dangerous to leave a Bunsen burner on a blue flame. this is confusing, explain more clearly, geez is dat too much to ask?

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SAY NO leave him, it's dangerous SAY NO leave him, it's dangerous

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There are many different men that leave their home running. This is because running is a very popular athletic activity.

If away for a long time is it best to turn off refrigerator and freezer or leave it running on low temperature?

If the refigerator or freezer is empty, it is best to shut it off and prop the door open to prevent mold. If the refrigerator or freezer is full, it is best to leave it running at a normal setting. It will use very little electricity if left closed.

What happens in a closed car on a hot day?

In a closed car on a hot day, the temperature inside can quickly rise to dangerous levels. This can result in heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and even death for occupants or pets left inside. It's important to always make sure to never leave anyone or any pet inside a closed car on a hot day.

How do you get out of a closed Facebook group?

There should be something on the right saying 'LEAVE THIS GROUP'. Click on that, and you can leave.

Is it dangerous to leave technology in the car on a sunny day?

Yes. Vehicle interiors are known to exceed 150 degrees in summer. It is a felony offense to leave a minor child in a closed, locked vehicle in summer. That's what's called child endangerment. Your technology may become warped into a state of lack of recognition if you leave it in your vehicle -in summer.

Why do people leave diesel trucks running?

People leave their diesel trucks running because they think it is better. It is a truck with no spark plugs.

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they began to leave their boomtowns and dissapeared just as quickly when the mine was closed

Why did many whigs leave?

because it was dangerous