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Q: Why is during a trip a car instantaneous speed can ever be greater than its average speed?
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Can instantaneous speed ever be greater than its average speed?


Explain whether during a trips cars instantaneous speed can ever be greater than its average speed?

Yes, during a trip a car's instantaneous speed can be greater than its average speed. This can occur if the car reaches its maximum speed at certain points during the trip, which would temporarily increase the instantaneous speed above the average speed calculated over the entire journey.

Does the speedometer of a car read average speed or instantaneous speed?

instantaneous speed

What is the difference between instantaneous speed and average speed?

Instantaneous speed is the speed at a particular moment in time.The average speed of an object tells you the (average) rate at which it covers distance

Does the speedometer on a vehicle show the average speed or instantaneous speed?

The speedometer on a vehicle shows the instantaneous speed, which is the speed of the vehicle at any given moment. It does not display the average speed over a period of time.

How are average speed and instantaneous speed alike?

Average speed and instantaneous speed are both measurements of the speed of an object. The instantaneous speed measures how fast the object is going at a particular moment, while average speed shows how fast the object was moving in total over time.

What is the relation between average speed and instantaneous speed?

Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken, giving a general idea of the speed over a whole journey. Instantaneous speed is the speed at a specific moment in time, providing information about the speed at a particular instant during the journey. The instantaneous speed can vary throughout the journey, while average speed gives an overall representation of the speed.

Is a car's speedometer show instantaneous speed average speed or velocity?

A car's speedometer typically shows the instantaneous speed, which represents the current speed of the vehicle at any given moment. It does not show average speed or velocity.

What is the same instantanoeus speed and average speed?

Instantaneous speed is the speed of an object at a specific moment in time, while average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken. At the exact moment when an object's speed is constant, its instantaneous speed and average speed will be the same.

What do you mean by instantaneous speed?

Instantaneous speed is the speed of a body at any one instant. There is really no such thing as the instantaneous speed, it is merely the average speed over a very short space of time.

What is the relation between instantaneous speed and instantaneous velocity?

If I drive away from my house at 8:00 in the morning and return at 6:00 PM that same evening with 50 more miles showing on the car, you know immediately that my average speed for the day was 5 mph. But you don't know a thing about how much of that time I was stopped, how much in motion, or what my speed was at any moment between 8 and 6, because there's no necessary relationship between instantaneous and average speed. I guess it's probably true to say that there has to be some instant during any period of time when the instantaneous speed must be equal to the average speed during the same period. That sounds like a nice theorem, and its proof ought to be good for some mathematical recreation, but it doesn't seem too useful.

Why do you use average speed?

The concept of average speed is somewhat simpler than "instantaneous speed".