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Many kinds of grease can be used for brake slide pins. They have to be heat and moisture resistant.

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9y ago

its synthetic grease so it does notattck rubber seals on slide pins reg gease will melt rubber allowing water to freeze up calipers dielectric is used for electricalconnectio n and heat sinks

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Q: Why is dialectric grease used on brake slide pins?
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How do you grease the back disc brakes on a Honda Accord they are vibrating?

The only part that you should grease is the slide pins on caliber. You must remove the bolts holding the caliber in place to grease the slide pins.

How do you grease a brake caliper on a 1995 Corsica?

There are four steps on how grease a brake caliper on a 1995 Corsica. Some of the step-by-step instructions are purchase a silicone-based lubricant, locate the pins and boots, and then take the pins out.

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The most common cause is a binding caliper slide pin. You must use high temp synthetic brake grease to lube those slide pins

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You lubricate the slide pins and not the actual rotor.

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not lubricating your slide pins when you replace your brakes

How and where do you inject grease into the front calipers of a 2000 Malibu?

Calipers do not have a grease fitting. The only fitting is a bleed value and this is for brake fluid to come out of when you bleed the brakes. I bet you are trying to lube the caliper pins. Simply remove the pins holding the caliper on and use the appropate brake lube. You can pick up the correct lube at you local parts store

Why does my brake pads sound like they're rubbing or grinding even after the brake pads were replaced the rotors were turned and they were greased?

Some cheap pads will squeal. You may need to change to an OEM type pad. It can also be you did not apply a anti-squeal high temperature grease to the back of the pads where they contact the caliber. Teflon coated shims are another option. Be sure and also check the slide pins to make sure they are not rusted. Apply a slight amount of high temp grease to these pins or replace if they are rusted.

How to removeFront brake calipers 98 Malibu?

take tire off! remove the slide pins on caliper,should be Allen wrench heads on bolts. then slide off of rotor!!

How do you change the brake pads on a 1987 Volvo 240DL?

Put the car on jack stands and remove the wheels. Locate the calipers and brake pads and remove the pins and clips from the calipers. Slide out the old brake pads and push the piston back to make room for the new pads and shims. Slide in the new pads and shims and put the pins, clips and cotter pins back in. The front and rear replacement process are very similar, but have different pads and shims.

Why does your speedometer cut on and off on your 2000 outback?

You probably need to free the slide pins on the caliper bracket.if the rubber protesters are torn buy a replacement kit . The slide pins have an rubber o ring and the hole the pin is in is supposed to be full of tenacious grease. The corrugated rubber seal prevent dirt getting and grease getting out. It best to replace. Cheap fix too.

How do you lube a brake caliper?

White lithium grease applied to the slides on the caliper and hold down pins. Part stores have it in tubes or small packets

Does the brake caliper on a 1990 f 350 4x4 single wheel just pop off?

Should have 2 slide pins one on top and one on bottom- slide these out to remove caliper