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Insurance depends a great deal on where you live. The companies set cost according to zip code. I live in an area where there are many hit and run accidents so I pay more for my insurance compared to a place with less accidents. I am not sure why you mentioned "seniors". If you mean people who are older insurance may cost more because of eyesight, driving history, and physical activity.

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Q: Why is car insurance so high for seniors?
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Related questions

What makes seniors so special?

Typically seniors do not have the same amount of disposable income as working Americans do. Also on insurance typically it's their history of whatever the insurance is that determines if they get a discount or not.

Should senior citizens be charged a higher rate for car insurance?

Senior citizens should be charged a higher rate for car insurance. Seniors have the second highest accident risk average, only after teenage drivers. Teenage drivers have higher car insurance because of this higher risk factor, and so should senior citizens.

What exactly is swinton car insurance?

"Like any other car insurance, Swinton car insurance offers insurance on cars so that if you get into a car accident, you have the insurance to cover you in costs."

Can you switch car insurance companies because of an accident?

Even if you get to do it any insurance company will find about your driving records so you will still get high rates because you are considered a high risk driver.

What are some travel insurance options available to me in the UK?

As with seniors in any country, there are options for seniors to purchase travel insurance. As a rule it is more difficult to get travel insurance as a senior, so these insurance companies are a blessing. Here are a few sites:

What exactly are car insurance rates?

Car insurance rates are the amount you have to pay each month. If you are a new driver, then your rates will be high. So you pay more. Contact your local agent for more info.

What is rental car insurance?

Rental car insurance is a system of insurance you use when renting a car so that during the period you have it if it gets damaged you do not have to pay for it.

Do you have to have car insurance if you don't own a car?

no Actually, it depends on what you mean. In the U.S. you do not have to have car insurance if you don't drive a car, so if you don't own a car, by default you don't have to keep insurance, however, many states in the U.S. require you to have insurance if you are driving, so if you borrow someone's car, you may be required to have insurance while driving it. In the states that require insurance, you can get a ticket if you don't have it, so if you borrow a car, be sure the owner has it insured and ask him for a copy of the policy of proof of insurance card.

Why do car rentals cost so much?

Car rentals cost so much because they are always nearly new cars and the rental company has to pay fees and high insurance premiums.

Can you get insurance on a car not titled in your name?

no you can't Its not in your name so you can't get insurance from a car that is not titled in your name

How can a high risk driver find affordable insurance?

There are many ways for a high risk driver to find affordable insurance. One way would be to drive safer so that the insurance goes down. Another way would be for them to drive a car in their parents' names to avoid paying their own insurance.

Where can I find information about Lexington Car insurance?

Lexington is a car insurance company. you can visit the nearest insurance agaent and ask for lexington car insurance. since lexington car insurance is not so widely you, better visit them online to save time