your steering dampner has gone bad, replace it and the shaking will stop.
Look for a loose plug, or plug wire.
Look for a loose plug, or plug wire.
I have a 1999 jeep cherokee, and had this same problem. After time, when i would hit a bump in the road my whole car would seize up and buck uncontrollably. It ended up needing two new wheel barrings. They were not easy to replace!!
Replace your steering dampner. Mine did the same thing.
Worn steering or suspension parts. This can be very dangerous, so have this repaired ASAP.
Was there anything else wrong that you noticed when you hit the bump, and does your jeep make any noise when in motion. (as in like a bad sound)
Have the tie rods, and trac bar checked for play.
One of the shocks on that side is probably bad.
Check under hood by the air intake and see if any wires came unhooked.
When you hit the bump, the mouse wakes up.
Seems reasonable. Kinda makes sense if you think about it. If it seems excessive I would ask your local tire/suspension shop to check your shock absorbers.
Why is my car shaking after I hit a bump in the street?? Espeically when I put my foot on the breaks.