Four things come to mind. You either have a bent rim, bad bearings, the wheel is loose or the ball joints are bad.
in most cars it is drivers side front to drivers side back drivers side back to passengers side front passengers side front to passengers side back to drivers side front
You have a damaged tire. Try rotating the front tires with the rear tires to see if the wobble switches to the back.
Is is on most unacessable side of the trans. Right by the driver side tire. It is just behind the drivers side front tire.
The tire needs to be balanced or the shock is dead.
in front of the drivers side rear tire underneath the vehicle
Drivers side fenderwell in front of the tire i hope i helped :-)
perhaps the driver is too heavy??
The front wheels of a car can wobble because the car's suspension is not in proper alignment. The wheels may also wobble if the rim is bent or if the tire is improperly installed
check the condition of the tire it might have a nail in it
behind the drivers side head light, accessible from in front of the left front tire
Worn tire? Tire and/or wheel out of balance? Bad wheel bearing? Bent axle?
Possible bent tierod.Have your local garage check it out.