Need more specifics on this question. What isn't locking in? does the transfer case lock in? Do you have aftermarket hubs? Sometimes you need to make a full tire rotation backwards for the hubs to lock. The hubs could be broken inside.
2001 kia sportage will not lock into four wheel say it in four wheel drive but front wheels dont pull or lock in
Yes, assuming the car has four wheels, four-wheel-drive is the same thing as all-wheel-drive. Not always, four wheel drive provides a positive lock between the front and rear axles. All wheel drive has a differential between them most of the time.
a srrewed up axle, tranny, or somethnig is binding.
With a hanger
If you have lock outs or free spinning front hubs, you turn the center of each front hub to lock them in. If you don't have lock outs, they lock in when you put it in four wheel drive. To unlock them, take it out of four wheel and slowly back up 3 to 5 feet.
There is no option for four wheel lock on a Journey.
if your referring to the Roberts diff lock its manifold Vacuum created by the engine and this works in a piston arrangement to lock the diffs
Sounds like a bad transfer case....give more detail...does it lock into 4x4? Will it drive?
if it has manual hubs lock both of them in out side on the front tires they should be red. if not go inside and shift the lever to 4hi or 4Lo to put it in 4 wheel drive
I'm going to have to assume you either mis-stated the question or are making a joke. Land Rovers are ALL full-time 4 wheel drive. there is no 2 wheel drive mode. Or did you mean that it was stuck in differential lock mode?
Four wheel drive tends to be lighter, and less complex.. with a six wheel drive (such as in the M35, M39, M913, etc. series military trucks), you usually have to have an interaxle differential lock. In normal operations, tandem axle trucks, such as dump trucks, tractor trailers, etc. only have one axle which drives them forward. When they need to, the driver can engage the differential lock to engage the second drive axle. On a 6x6 truck, such as the type described above, the transfer case would be used to engage the front axle.
Should be correct