because the lights are not controlled by the ignition switch; they are controlled by a separate light switch.
THE CAR NEEDS FRONT BRAKES............................
Shut the car off, engage the parking brake and when you turn the car back on the lights will stay off until you release the parking brake.
If your car has daytime running lights (standard in Canada) then the only way to turn on just the parking lights is when the car is in park or neutral, the light switch is in the park light position and the parking brake is on. Then the headlights will turn off. Any other configuration means the headlights will be on. On this car, parking lights can truly only be used when parked!
Yes, you generally have the right to stay in your car in a parking lot as long as you are not violating any laws or regulations.
The parking lights on the front of the car are accessible from the underside of the car. It's a tight squeeze to get your hand up in there because of the spoiler. When you get your hand on the back of the socket turn it 1/4 turn and pull it out. Dan
Turn the stupid headlight switch off. DeeDeeDee I have the same problem with my 87 Camry. You need to change the stop light switch.
Check your turn signal stalk switch. In some cars, German ones in particular, this is an intentional safety feature. If the turn signal is not centered the parking lights stay on so it is more easily seen at night if the car is parked on the side of a narrow street.
If the parking lights are on when the car is off its probably a switch issue.
When a person turns their car on, the dashboard lights should turn off. However, if they do not, it means there is a problems. An oil light will stay on if there is low oil in a car.
when you are parking UPhill.supposedly then if the car rolls the wheels will contact the curb and stop the car. Down hill turn to the right
Car parking at the Edinburgh Airport vary from short term to long term parking. They can be for very short stay, such as an hour for picking up and dropping off passengers, to a long stay from weeks to months.
Volvo uses the term position light for what we here in America commonly call a parking light. If you turn your lights on and walk around your car you will notice you have a bulb burnt out.