John Deere, Case IH/Agritrac, New Holland and Massey are the main companies that produce balers, primarily small square, large square, and large round. The large square baler is the most expensive to purchase. SINOBALER is a specialized baler manufacture based in China. Balers manufactured include cardboard baler, textile baler, bottle baler, tyre baler, fiber baler as well as various kinds of vertical balers and horizontal balers.
A round bail of hay is cheaper. The cost of a single bail of hay times the amount in a regular round bail is alot more in price. A round baler is more expensive.
One can purchase a round baler for a tractor on online outlets such as eBay or Deere. Alternatively, round balers are also available for purchase from Krone-NorthAmerica.
New Holland
95 hp
both pieces of twine come out of the twine chute, then under the tensioner on the outside wall of the twine chunte, through the slack springs, down through the insulator, then one string goes to the near side needle, and the other goes through the far side insulator, then threw the far side needle. Once they come out of the needles, tie them off to the round tubing at the bottom of the bailer. Hope that helps!
Check the operator's manual, if you have one. It should tell you in there.
5ft wide 3 to 6ft round
If you are talking about the round bales of hay you see around the countryside, they are made with a round baler. See the related link below for more information and some videos.
Hydraulic oil sight gauge and filler cap are located on back side of tractor below the big red warning triangle. Sight gauge is a small round window. Do not run without hydraulic fluid, it services the transmission too !!
run the twine through the eyelets and through the needles , which are the large arms that rise up . take that twine and tie to the rear of the baler,both of them and run them where the bale forms. next trip the wheel that ties the bale, and turn the baler by hand for one cycle. the twine will be tied now cut the excess twine that u tied to the rear of the baler from the needles and you are ready to bale .
Well you have to have the equiptment. as long as have a hay cutter, a round or square baler, and a wagon for square bales,or a trailer and a hay lifter for round bails. and there you have it!!! oh and you need a tractor too.