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The car experiences greater acceleration from a steeper incline (i.e. you added energy to the system by raising the ramp). The car can then go further due to the increased force (F=ma).

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Q: Why does the distance of a toy car increase when the height of the ramp is increased?
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How would the input force needed to push a wheelchair up a ramp change if you increase the height of the ramp but not its length?

The input force would increase as the height of the ramp increased. It wouldn't matter the distance. Ask me another one.

How would the input force needed to push a wheelchair up a ramp change if you increased the height of the ramp but not it's length?

The input force would increase as the height of the ramp increased. It wouldn't matter the distance. Ask me another one.

How would the input force needed to push a wheelchairup a rampchange if you increased the height of the ramp but not it's length?

The input force would increase as the height of the ramp increased. It wouldn't matter the distance. Ask me another one.

Did the height of the ramp increase the distance the car rolled?

if the ramp forms a very steep gradient, definately the car will roll for a longer distance. On the contrary, if the gradient formed by the ramp is gentle, then it will roll for a shorter distance

Why does the height of a ramp affect the distance?

The height of a ramp affects the distance because it determines the angle at which an object is launched off the ramp. A higher ramp will result in a greater launch angle, allowing the object to travel a longer distance compared to a lower ramp. This is due to the increase in the horizontal component of the initial velocity imparted to the object.

How would the input force needed to push a wheelchair up a ramp change if you increase the height of the ramp but not its lenght?

If you increase the height of the ramp but not its length, the force needed to push the wheelchair up the ramp will increase. This is because a higher ramp will require more work to overcome gravity and lift the chair to a greater height. As the height increases, the force required to push the wheelchair up the ramp will increase proportionally.

Did the acceleration of the marble increase as it traveled down the ramp?

Yes, the marble's acceleration increased as it traveled down the ramp because the force of gravity acting on it remained constant, but the distance covered by the marble increased. This results in a higher acceleration due to the increased speed gained as it moved farther down the ramp.

What happens to the speed a marble travels when the height of a ramp is change?

When the height of the ramp is increased, the marble will have a higher gravitational potential energy. As a result, it will travel at a faster speed when it rolls down the ramp due to the increased height converting into kinetic energy. Conversely, decreasing the height of the ramp will result in the marble traveling at a slower speed.

Does ramp height effect a model cars distance?


What describes how the IMA of this ramp compares with the IMA of the ramp that has a height of 1m?

The ideal mechanical advantage (IMA) of a ramp is calculated as length divided by height. Therefore, the IMA of a ramp with greater height will be smaller than the IMA of a ramp with a height of 1m. This means that a taller ramp will require less effort but over a longer distance to overcome gravitational force compared to a ramp with a height of 1m.

how do you determine the gradient of a ramp?

To determine the gradient of a ramp, you can use the formula: Gradient = vertical rise / horizontal run. Measure the height of the ramp (vertical rise) and the distance along the slope (horizontal run), then calculate the gradient by dividing the height by the distance. The gradient represents the steepness of the ramp.

Why do you think the horse moved faster when you made the ramp higher?

If the ramps height was increased, but not the length then it will become steeper and the horse will need to pick up more speed to gain enough momentum to get up the ramp. If the ramps length were increased, as well as the height, so that it stayed at the same angle, then the horse would likely not need to increase it's speed.