Works when you turn off engine or radio.
check your antenna belt/fuse !
The engine is cooling down. (or at least that's one reason for it)
turn the engine off
Does the engine turn over and then make the clicking noise while trying to start, or does it not do anything but make the clicking noise when you turn the key. If its not turning over at all then it might be a battery problem, Try cleaning the battery terminals, and/or charge the battery, Could also be the starter solenoid, but start with the battery first.
make noise when turn any side
It can.
Not really. It can make a grinding noise, and sometimes bad enough that the starter will not even turn the engine over. Most times they just quit with no noise.
turn on the TV it just make a noise doesn't come on
why does my 1996 ford tarus wagon make noise when i turn key in ignition
If its right after you turn off the key it might be a power antenna motor.
There are quite a few relays and solenoids that are activated when an engine is turned on. Some of them make noise.