Your GPA doesn't really affect your insurance rates except that many insurance companies offer a discount for younger drivers who have at least a 3.0 or B average. It is not actually a part of rate but a discount off the rate if you qualify and are able to send in proof of such. This discount only effects drivers under 25 years old. Insurance companies have found that drivers with good grades are generally more responsible overall and have less claims. It's a fact that is not meant to be true for every single person and there are alwasy exceptions but insurance is based on groups and statistical facts on these groups.
A GPA of 4.0.
At least 3.0 you slacker.
no, has to be at least 3.0
If he didnt get cited for the accident is will not show up on his driving record. However the rates for teen boys are extremely high, but can be discounted if he has at least a 3.5 gpa. Even so... he may not be able to pay the premiums by himself. It's cheaper if you keep him on your insurance... However, if he has another accident your rates may go up. My suggestion is help him get his own insurance, but remember... until he turns 18 you are still legally responsible for him.
Cheerleading has nothing to do with learning or smarts. It is not ture that all cheerleaders are stupid. This is like asking what is the average GPA, being a cheerleader should have no effect. I cheer and my GPA is 4.0 .
For colleges and universities that grade on a plus system, it would be a B+ average. For institutions that grade on a minus system, it would be an A-.
The Air Force only looks at the ones who have about a 3.5 gpa. You should get in easily.
It varies according to circumstance. You will need to call an insurance company and get a quote.
Depends on who is giving the scholarships you are applying for.
A Low GPA may result in you not getiing accepted into a selective college. This will directly effect your career, and you may not get a good job. Some colleges (known as liberal arts colleges) only bases their admissions 25% on your GPA. These colleges are private colleges, usually about 32 Thousand or so a year, and are for people who wish to explore many majors.
Policies differ sometimes, but a noteworthy GPA, and a call to your insurance company wouldnt hurt. They consider it a less of a risk to insure you, so worth a shot!