Your car fan turns on when you have your air condition unit on because, your engine heats up more when the air is on so the fan needs to come on to cool the engine down.
Check the thermal relay for the cooling fan.
You can turn the temperature of the AC up but if you turn the fan part of the AC up "high" or "low" it will only make it colder.
Check the fan relay, if it is good then replace the coolant temperature sensor, the AC circuit is separate but it does verify that the fan works.
A fan that is connected to the engine will turn whenever the engine is running, an electric fan will only run when the engine is at the proper temperature, some also turn on whenever the AC is on.
Why does your ac and heater fan turn off and on
because it is going through defrost cycle
There isn't one! Insted you go to the factory and get a fan. turn the fan on and turn to the robot.
as soon as the ac is turn on the cooling fan should come on if not there is a problem with that take it to a ac shop thay can find it fast ..
Broken fins in the fan or a bad compressor. Or leaves and sticks stuck touching your fan for the ac side (assuming you have a separate fan for ac which you might not).
there is a Senior that kick it the fans on it is located under the throttle body or it might be the primary fan is bad and only the second fan is working
turn on your ac and see if it comes on then
Yes. In some cars it does.