Don't know what vehicle you have or how much is too fast but if it is using more fuel than it has in the past, it may be time for a tune up.
yes it does in fact it burns alot of it so when you guage is almost on low turn the air off and drive slow it runs out less gas. if you drive fast it will burn alot of gas to.
Low fuel mileage can be caused by several things. Check the computer codes for a sensor problem. Make sure that the vehicle is properly tuned up and the fuel filter is not clogged.
Usually heating is done by passing air over the hot engine so no extra fuel (gas/petrol) is used.
It increases load on engine & has slight detrimental effect on economy, so yes.
Sport...meaning the car will perform at a faster rate, as well as burn more gas in doing so
You make a gas barbecue not burn so hot but turning the heat to medium.
be fast be fast
Could be as simple as a good tune up.
Oil can burn. If finely dispersed in air, it can burn real fast. So fast that it'll look like an explosion.
take your foot off the gas and steer carefully until you regain traction then dont go so fast
Yes, they do that is why we smell farts so fast
Yes you can put water in your car so it doesn't burn up.