That is all the digits that was needed up until 1981 when the 17 digit VIN replaced the 13 digit.
Since 1965 to 1971 VIN Numbers where only 13 digits. Here is a site to explain VIN numbers (see related link)
Vin numbers have been a standard 17 digits starting in 1981. Prior to that there was no standard and could be any number of digits.
Nothing. The last 6 digits of the standard 17 character VIN number are a build sequence.
There is only one possible combination of a 13 digit number created from 13 digits. In a combination, the order of the digits does not matter so that 123 is the same as 132 or 312 etc. If there are 13 different digits (characters) there is 1 combination of 13 digits 13 combinations of 1 or of 12 digits 78 combinations of 2 or of 11 digits and so on There are 213 - 1 = 8191 in all. If the characters are not all different it is necessary to have more information.
My 79 has 13 numbers in the vin number
I have the same model and the older models like yours only had 7 digits not the normal 13. The vin# is behind the right front tire on the frame next to your shift lever. Its going to be a "7" digit #. Your model # decal should be in the same location.
So... the number has to be between 55 & 60 - and the sum of its digits must total 13... The only number that satisfies both rules is 58 !
1981, pre 1981 manufacturers could use any length of numbers. Some ran only 13 digits up until 1980 like the Chevy corvette for example.
for new account its 13 digits...