What fuse number for 2004 Jeep Liberty blower motor?
Most likely cause is a failed blower resistor.
Replace the blower motor resistor.
Assuming that by "high," "low," and "medium" you are referring to HVAC blower fan speed and that this happens with heat as well as with AC: Replace the blower resistor. It's no good.
The blower resistor is behind the glove box door.
in your but
Either your switch is messed up, or more likely the blower motor resistor is bad.
If it works on some speeds and not others, the most likely problem is a defective Blower Motor Resistor Pack. It is located near the blower motor.
blower fan not working
99% of the time, an interior blower that works only on high speed means the blower motor resistor (the part that actually allows for the speed change) is failed.
I mean how do you disassemble the fan blower in a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. how do you remove the blower fan from the car in the Grand Jeep Cherokee Laredo.
Its the fan blower resistor IMO...had this happen already. part is really cheap. Located behind glove box.