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The straight bar going from gear stick to gear box is possibly bent.. Or not bolted on.. There are two bars between gear stick and the gearbox check both of them

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Q: Why does my 1997 Manual 5-speed Mazda 121 Metro not go into gear It lets me go into 1st 3rd 5th gear but none of the others no matter how hard i try and change them whats broken and how much 2fix?
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This change is known as a chemical reaction, where the chemical bonds between atoms are broken and new bonds are formed to produce different substances with distinct properties. Examples include combustion, oxidation, and neutralization reactions.

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During a chemical change, matter undergoes a chemical reaction where its chemical composition is altered. This can result in the formation of new substances with different properties than the original matter. Chemical bonds are broken and new bonds are formed, leading to a reorganization of the atoms in the substance.

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During a chemical or physical change, the energy of matter can either be absorbed or released. For example, in chemical reactions, energy is exchanged in the form of heat or light as chemical bonds are broken or formed. In physical changes, such as melting or boiling, energy is used to break intermolecular forces between particles.

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you can't change matter

What do you mean by change of matter?

There are 2 kinds of changes,they are physical and chemical changes.Physical Change-is a change in the form of matter but in it's identity.Chemical Change-is a change in which one kind of matter is changed in to a different type of matter.