Cooling fan not working, or your cooling system needs a complete service. The cooling fan should be on continuously when the A/C is on.
If you have the A/C turned on the cooling fan will run continuously which is normal. If that is not the case then the thermal relay may be stuck shut.
That is the fan cooling the liquid in the radiator to keep the engine from over heating.
On most vehicles the fan or fans will run continuously if the A/C is on. If the A/C is off and it is continuously running check the thermal switch.
sure if you wire it that way. it wont hurt anything
Take the bolts of the fan blades
The fan is controlled by the same computer that regulates the engine. It is usually called the Electronic Control Module. When the ECM is malfunctioning it sometimes will run the fan continuously.
My 1999 Grand Cherokee just started this today. My first thought is that the fan relay is stuck in the "on" position.
yes just replace the fan clutch assembly
No. The fan should shut off when the engine temp is to cold for the fan to be on. If its on all the time the temperature switch/sensor is probably defective.
Trick My Truck - 2006 Ultimate Race Fan Edition 4-1 was released on: USA: 16 February 2008
cooling fan