It's mainly to reduce fuel consumption. A streamlined shape needs less energy to push it forward against standard air pressure - than one that isn't streamlined.
after market body panels.
Yes it does it has a streamlined body
First German car to have hydraulic brakes. It also had a streamlined body.
Streamlined often means aerodynamic.
It's a marketing image that symbolises speed. The jaguar is a fast animal, with a streamlined body. The car of the same name is designed to be streamlined, and is a fast vehicle.
They have a streamlined bonnet so that the air will be pushed over the car.
To make a co2 car go faster, make the body streamlined. Keep the weight down and make sure that the axles are smooth.
so that the car will go faster and thecorners and the distence from the ground makes it streamlined .The rounder the corners the more streamlined it is
to fly
By designing the car to be as streamlined as possible.
Sharks have a streamlined body