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The inertia has a strong force on you while the elevator is still going,while the rest of your body feels it.its the same feeling you have when your stopping at a traffic light in a car,or going down from a hill fast from a car.

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Q: Why do your feet go numb when elevated?
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It would affect the victim's breathing is the correct answer IS NOT feet would go numb.

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my buddy had a similar problem if he would take it the night before next morning his toes would go numb

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sounds like a blood circulation issue and, or heart problem tell a dr asap

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no it should not be numb

Why do feet get numb?

Feet may go numb due to shoes that are too tight or do not fit well. Another reason is that there is to much pressure for a prolonged time on the specific area of the body.

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An elevated lie is a golf term for a ball that is higher than the feet of the player playing the shot.

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It's not supposed to be. If it stays numb then you will need to go to the doctor.

How do teeth go numb?

Ask your mom!!

What fruit makes your mouth numb?

IF a kiwi makes your mouth numb you are probably allergic to it. My mouth doesn't go numb when i eat Kiwis.

Why do your hands go numb when you sleep?

your hands go numb or goto sleep because the temperature you live in, or probably you put water on your hands too much......................................

Is it normal for the lip to go numb?

Maybe if there growing or if u have been kissing someone..or else its not normal and you need to go see a doctor also if you get a shot for it to go numb it is normal